Welcome to MyFIME!
NEW ! Consult your issuing & acquiring projects with FIME laboratory in real time!
A new online service is available for our issuing and acquiring clients for FREE. Connect now to MY FIME to access your projects.
MyFIME is an online portal that offers you a privileged point of contact, and a day-to-day support through high added-value e-services such as:
- My downloads
- The latest software releases and documentation
- Products FAQ
- The answers to your questions with the FAQ e-service
- My services
- A dedicated access to FIME online testing services
- My account
- Manage your personal information
- Partner connect
- If you are a distributor, access all FIME documentation. Request an access.
You don't have an account but you would like a quote?
Ask for a quoteConnect to MY FIME
The content you are trying to access is available only if you have a FIME web account.
For login problems, please contact us