Since EMV contactless payments were launched in London's transportation system, hundreds of networks have deployed similar fare payment solutions. This technology is now mature and provides obvious benefits.
EMV open-loop payments reduce operational costs, such as issuing fare media or handling cash.
To accept a payment card, though, a ticketing solution must comply with specific requirements from the banking industry that secure payment data and guarantee trust. Using EMV payment cards also incurs fees and requires a risk management agreement between parties.
We have extensive experience in ticketing and banking systems and can help you introduce open payment solutions.

Selecting payment schemes to be prioritized and understanding their individual acceptance criteria.
Defining the strategy to transpose complex fare structures.
Understanding risk management for EMV open payments in transit.
Assessing the impact PCI compliance on IT systems.
Developing technical and business teams to manage new customer care services.
Validate EMV Open Loop transit systems to launch with confidence .
Our key specific services:
Ticketing and payments training.
Workshop management with stakeholders (Merchant (PTA/PTO), ticketing vendors, schemes, payment service providers).
Support for acquiring system & payment gateway upgrades.
EMV L3 advisory and certifications.
PCI DSS advisory and compliance.
Learn more about Fime's expertise in:
Third party test authorityEMV® open-loop migration
Ensure compliant products for fast integration .
Our key specific services:
Sub-contracting advisory for electronic design, kernels development & SDKs integration.
Technical advisory for antenna design & kernels debug and integration.
Card emulation for testing.
EMV L1/L2/L3 advisory and certifications.
PCI DSS/P2PE/PTS advisory and assessment.
Learn more about Fime's expertise in:
Third party test authorityEMV® open-loop migration
Transition ticketing systems swiftly and smoothly to EMV .
Our key specific services:
Workshop management with stakeholders (Internal departments, solution vendors, schemes, payment service providers, banks).
Risk management assessment and liability agreement guidance.
Fare rules design and deployment (debt recovery, refund).
EMV L3 advisory and certifications.
PCI DSS advisory and assessment.
Learn more about Fime's expertise in:
Third party test authorityEMV® open-loop migration
Accelerate coordination and activities with key banking industry stakeholders.
Be supported by payment and EMV experts, from specification analysis to successful certification.
Facilitate EMV open-loop deployment alongside existing closed-loop ticketing and legacy systems.
Adopt next-generation ticketing and payment systems using integrated dual open-loop and closed-loop EMV systems.
Operate with a trusted infrastructure to reduce financial risk.
Download our expertise flyer for more information.