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Account-Based Ticketing (ABT).

Understand everything about Account-Based Ticketing systems (ABT).

[TRTRA14] Account-Based Ticketing (ABT).

Course overview

This training course provides an overview of Account-Based Ticketing (ABT) systems and offers insight and guidance to those who are considering or planning to implement an ABT system within their transport infrastructure.


  • Gain a complete overview of a typical ABT project.

  • Learn about ABT benefits and constraints for travelers and operators..

  • Identify each level of the ABT system

  • Get detailed information about the impact at each level.

Key topics

  • ABT approaches and architecture.

  • Overview of ABT project lifecycle.

  • Impact at each level of the AFC system.



Introduction to ABT

  • What is ABT?

  • ABT approaches.

  • ABT architecture.

  • Account management.

The overview of ABT project lifecycle

  • ABT project lifecycle.

  • Risk management.

  • User communication and customer support.


The impact at each level of the AFC system

  • Card / device level.

  • Station / depot level.

  • Headquarters level.

  • Clearing house level.

Course details


1 day.


10 max.


Transport ticketing stakeholders, management and staff members considering or planning to implement an ABT system.


Basic knowledge on transport ticketing Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) systems. Attendance of the ‘AFC Ecosystem Overview’ training would be an advantage.

Training pack

It includes a binder, notebook, pen, USB key and your official certificate.

Added benefits

Stay in contact with your Fime trainer, following your session for continued support and insight. 

Be part of Fime’s trainee community and stay up to date with the latest technological developments.

Receive an official Fime certificate to recognize your participation.


For any specific requests, please contact us.

Détails de la formation


1 jour.

Effectif plancher / plafond

Entre 3 et 10 participants max.


Les acteurs de la billetterie dans le transport, les membres de la direction et le personnel envisageant de mettre en œuvre un système ABT.


Connaissances de base sur la billetterie de transport (AFC). La participation à la formation « AFC – Introduction à l’écosystème » serait un plus.


Ranald Freestone / Sylvain Hélaine

Référent pédagogique

Claude Gilquin
+33 6 83 89 18 84

Référent handicap

Claude Gilquin
+33 6 83 89 18 84

Kit de formation

Il comprend un classeur avec les supports de formation imprimés, un bloc-notes, un stylo, une clé USB et votre certificat.

Avantages complémentaires

Après votre formation, restez en contact avec votre intervenant pour bénéficier de conseils et d'autres informations. 

Faites partie de la communauté Fime sur les réseaux sociaux et suivez les dernières évolutions technologiques.

Recevez un certificat pour valider votre participation.


Evaluation formative et sommative. 


Download our flyer to get the detailed program.

Dedicated training course

To organize a dedicated training session in your premises for your staff only, please request a quote.

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