Starting the Digital Identity year with a bang. February 17, 2025

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Fime Academy.
Fime helps clients make sense of this constantly shifting landscape. By providing standard and customized training events and workshops, we equip attendees with the knowledge and skills needed to guarantee a successful project outcome. 
What we offer
Meeting a wide range of needs
Fime provides both open and dedicated training sessions which can be tailored to your individual needs.  
You will get a basic knowledge and overview of the payment & transport ecosystems.
You will develop advanced
functional skills.
You will get expert knowledge by going deeper in specifications.

Course calendar

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Cloud-based payment.

QR code ecosystem.

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January February March April May June July August September October November December

Standard. ISO 20022. Ecosystem overview.

nexo standards. Ecosystem overview.

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January February March April May June July August September October November December

Biometrics ecosystem overview.

EMV® Three-Domain Secure V2.x

Multimodal biometrics.

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Payment ecosystem

Due to the emergence of new technologies such as contactless, smartphones, tokenization and cloud remote management, today’s payment ecosystem is far more sophisticated and complex than when the first EMV payment cards were introduced nearly two decades ago.

Fime has developed a dedicated training program to guide you through the different aspects of EMV, from the specification and the impact of migration, through to the certification processes.

SoftPOS ecosystem

Understand the SoftPOS ecosystem.

Payment ecosystem introduction.
Certification processes for acquirers (Mastercard and Visa).

Helping acquirers understand the Mastercard and Visa certification processes.

Certification processes for issuers (Mastercard and Visa).

Helping issuers understand the Mastercard and Visa certification processes.

EMV® contact specification.

Become an expert in EMV contact specification.

Contactless specifications - BCK2 & BCK3 (Mastercard & Visa).

Become an expert in contactless specifications.

Contactless specification - BCK4 (American Express).

Become an expert in American Express contactless specification (BCK4).

Contactless specification - BCK5 (JCB).

Learn what is JCB contactless technology and the transaction flows for EMV Book C5- Kernel 5.

Contactless specification - BCK6 (Discover).

Become an expert in Discover Financial Services contactless specification (BCK6).

Mobile payment

Near field communication (NFC) technology is changing the way consumers pay for low value goods, access transit networks and collate or redeem coupons. With the launch of Host Card Emulation (HCE) on Android, and the success of Apple Pay, NFC services have already been launched in many parts of the world. To successfully deliver these new services, it is important for payment schemes, banks and merchants to quickly adapt to this new mobile ecosystem.

Fime has developed a dedicated training program to support organizations throughout this transformation.

QR code ecosystem.

How to understand QR code technologies.

Cloud-based payment.

Become an expert in mobile CBP.



Today, every country has its own payments standards. This means that each distributor has to adapt its solution to fit the specific requirements of each geographical area. 

The purpose of nexo standards is to design and develop card payment acceptance messages based on the ISO 20022 standards.  The nexo protocols and specifications ensure the interoperability of different payment systems and equipment at an international level. 

Fime’s nexo and others standards training programs give a detailed explanation of the different specifications and protocols applicable to market players. It also provides information on best practices for understanding the standards with confidence.   

nexo standards. Ecosystem overview.

Enabling interoperability in global payment acceptance.

Standard. ISO 20022. Ecosystem overview.

ISO 20022: Understanding the basics.


The growth of e-commerce, m-commerce and remote commerce by using card-not-present transactions imply in parallel, a new age of fraud. Fime has developed a dedicated training program to guide you through the new authentication systems implemented by banks and payment schemes, for a better understanding and to manage the implementation with confidence. 

Biometrics ecosystem overview.

Understanding the use of biometrics for digital authentication and identification.

EMV® Three-Domain Secure V2.x

Understand the basics of EMV 3-D Secure authentication.

Multimodal biometrics.

Understand everything about multimodal biometrics.

Terminal Level 3

This training is dedicated to the certification of terminals for major payment schemes linked to EMVCo as well as other domestic schemes.

Our training courses explain in detail the different stages of the process and the best practices to follow, to gain efficiency and save time during certification.

Mastercard M-TIP.

How to achieve M-TIP certification.


How to achieve Visa acceptance.

Visa ADVT & VpTT.

How to achieve Visa europe acceptance quickly and efficiently.

Discover DN & DCI E2E.

Achieving Discover acquirer terminal E2E certification.

UnionPay International UAC.

How to achieve UnionPay International certification.

American Express AEIPS & Global ExpressPay.

How to achieve American Express acceptance.

BKM Troy E2E.

How to achieve Troy E2E certification.

Smart mobility

To assist transport players on their path to market, and help stakeholders understand the evolution of the transport market, Fime  has developed a dedicated training program.

Transport stakeholders can learn from our experts to:

  • Define a strong solution to transform existing or launch new AFC systems
  • Build awareness of major market trends and understand the requirements of transport decision makers
  • Deliver a cost-effecitve solution by championing quality from the start
  • Achieve quality assurance, ensuring systems are compliant and interoperable
  • Benefit from a third-party’s impartial expertise, avoiding any conflict of interest and managing stakeholder relations
Visa Ready for Transit program overview.

Get a comprehensive overview of the Visa Ready for Transit program.

AFC ecosystem overview.

Understand all the various technologies, parties and players in the Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) ecosystem.

Closed-loop systems.

Understand how to deploy closed-loop AFC systems.

EMV open loop systems.

Understand how to deploy EMV® open loop in AFC systems.

Mobile ticketing.

Understand how to implement mobile ticketing in AFC systems.

Account-Based Ticketing (ABT).

Understand everything about Account-Based Ticketing systems (ABT).

Visa Ready for Transit program in-depth.

Get a full overview of the Visa Ready for Transit program.

Notre centre de formation (Fime Academy) est enregistré sous le numéro 11922180992 auprès du préfet de la région Ile-de-France et est référençable dans le DATADOCK.

Nos programmes de formation répondent parfaitement aux exigences du Décret Qualité.

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Strategy consulting.

Understand and capitalize on the changes that are shaking up your market. 

Technical advisory.

Accelerate time to market with our payment and transport technical expertise. 

Share your challenge.

Our Fime experts are here to help you make innovation possible,
from defining, designing to delivering and testing your products
and services.

Contact us