Fime and ITC PLC bring local EMV® L3 payment terminal testing to Bangladesh. May 29, 2024

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With digital payments picking up steam around the world, it could be said that the future of the physical card is uncertain. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the rate of digitalization, with new ways to make a touchless card payment – such as QR codes, mobile wallets and contactless payments – becoming widespread.

Transport ticketing has rapidly evolved in the digital age. As recently as the 1990s, closed loop systems based around paper tickets or tokens were the norm. This resulted in a poor user experience. Lines to purchase tickets were often long, and turnstile throughput was inefficient. Today, passengers can use a smartcard or even their phone as their ticket, utilizing contactless and Near Field Communication (NFC) functionality to tap-and-go.

It was good to be back! Money 20/20 Europe 2021 brought together key players from throughout payments for a series of presentations and debates on the key concerns and opportunities within the industry. From global leaders to dynamic startups, the event brought together over 1,500 people to share thoughts and ideas.

Today, contactless cards provide a fast and frictionless payment experience, where up to a certain value, the normal cardholder verification method of entering a PIN is not needed. It has revolutionized payments for low value items.

Transport ticketing has rapidly evolved in the digital age. As recently as the 1990s, closed loop systems based around paper tickets or tokens were the norm. This resulted in a poor user experience. Lines to purchase tickets were often long, and turnstile throughput was inefficient. Today, passengers can use a smartcard or even their phone as their ticket, utilizing contactless and Near Field Communication (NFC) functionality to tap-and-go.

Fintechs aim to challenge traditional financial services thinking with the use of innovative technologies. In doing so, they can often provide a better user experience than entrenched methods. These improvements include speeding up transactions, lowering the number of rejected payments, giving greater insight into finances and creating more seamless payment processes.

Digital payments have sky-rocketed in popularity as consumers have sought new, more hygienic ways to pay. SoftPOS payments offer numerous benefits to consumers and merchants alike. Comprised of software solutions that run on Android Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) devices, they can enable digital payment acceptance in a cost-effective and simple way.

In today’s frequently changing payments landscape, stakeholders are embracing new technologies to reflect shifting consumer behaviors. One such technology is SoftPOS, a solution which uses Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) devices to accept contactless payments. In fact, 41% of small business owners are investigating the possibility of accepting payments via mobile device.

The global digital payment market is expected to reach $236.10 billion by 2028. With much of this growth attributed to the emergence of new technologies, those looking to capitalize on the growth of digital might not know where to start.

After several months of research, 16 banks representing 5 European countries (Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain) approved the official launch of a new European payment scheme called the European Payments Initiative (EPI) on July 2nd 2020. In this series, we explore the purpose of the initiative and how it plans to achieve its ambitious goals.

In this Q&A, we speak to Pierre Aurel, Product Manager at Synthesis, to learn more about how FIME supported them to achieve the first automated Mastercard TEI accreditation for a new SoftPOS solution.

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